Michael Vinciguerra
Human Resources Captain
Michael Vinciguerra is a senior studying Mechanical Engineering with a double major in Computer Science. A child at heart but a diligent worker in the mind, Michael loves nothing more than to challenge friends to games and share a laugh over a meme. When Michael isn’t running around campus to accommodate his busy schedule, he often runs in the mornings on Livingston to stay in shape and get energized for the day. Currently pursuing senior design and research based around 3D printing, Michael hopes to one day become a professor and, more importantly, a great teacher. Transitioning from his previous involvement as the Leadership Intern for Rutgers University Alternative Breaks (RUAB), Michael looks to take the passion and ingenuity he brought to that role to his work as a Mark Conference Captain. As the Human Resources Captain, Michael looks forward to making the SWAT Team become fully engaged in the creation of the Conference and empowering them to bring their ideas to life!